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Thu, Jan 25, 18.

Was Adam the Only Man God Created

In case you have doubts about Adam being the only man God created, I would like to show you facts from the Scriptures, both Old Testament and New Testament, to lay your doubts to rest.

What I want to show you is what the scriptures teach and not what science or some fable or culture’s history teaches.

Adam was the only Man God Created

The following points demonstrate that according to Scriptures, no man existed before Adam and that he was the only man God created.

There was no Adam before Adam was Created [Gen 2:5-7]

According to Gen 2, there was no Adam before the Adam God created in Gen 2 and which he put in the Garden of Eden. If there was no Adam before him, it is becasue God did not create any apart from him.

It was this one Adam that God created that God put in the garden [Gen 2:8] and from him he made the woman. Since it was one man and not many that God put in the Garden of Eden, it should be clear that there was no other man created before Adam, none created along with Adam and none created apart from Adam.

If some other man existed before the creation of Adam, then according to the narrative, there would have been no need for the creation of Adam.

Paul calls Adam the First Man [1Cor 15:45].

If Adam is the first man, then, apparently, there was none before him. Except you disagree with the apostle Paul, perhaps you are an apostle greater than him, as far as the Bible and the apostles are concerned, there was no man in existence before God created Adam [Gen 2:4-8].

All Human Beings Descended from one Mother-Eve

Adam called Eve (his wife) the “mother of all the living” [Gen 3:27].

Of course, if she is the mother of all the living then it means that, with the obvious exception of Adam, no human being existed before or apart from her. originated apart from her. When Adam called the woman the mother of all the living, there was no flood in view, it was just after they had transgressed God’s command in the Garden. Therefore, every human being, before and after the flood, as far as the Bible is concerned, are children of Eve.

This should be enough to silence those who claim Cain got his wife from some other women God had created. If there were other women, then, Eve would be the mother of some living and not all the living as Adam said.

Adam is the Father of all the Living

If Eve is the mother of all the living, then Adam, her husband, is the father of all the living. And is so, there certainly was no man created by God apart from Adam.

Except we are better informed than Adam about the population of the earth at that time, then there certainly was no man before or after Adam. The only men that existed after Adam were the ones he gave birth to through Eve.

All Nations Descended from Adam only

All Nations came from one Blood

God made all the nations of men from one blood [Act 17:26-28 KJV].

This statement apparently means that all nations descended from one man.

Now, if there was another man on earth, other than Adam, then there would have been two bloods. And, whether or not, their bloods mixed through the intermarriage of their children, before or after the flood, their offspring would not be considered of one blood but of two?

The scriptures tell us that the world was populated by the three sons of Noah [Gen 9:18-19]. But we know of a certainty that Noah’s blood is not “one blood” because he was not created like Adam but was born to a father and mother. And neither are the blood of his children “one blood” because his wife did not come from his body as Eve came from Adam’s.

The only person that could be of one blood from whom all nations descended is Adam, but, again, this can only be the case if he was the only man created.

It is the Sons of Adam that God divided into Nations

Moses, long before Paul, described all the nations of men as having descended from Adam for he calls them “the sons of Adam” [Deu 32:8 KJV]. Moses could have just described men, whom God divided into nations as “the sons of Noah” or just “men” (there is another word for “man” in Hebrew that is not “Adam”), but he instead describes them as “the sons of Adam”.


This is what the Bible teaches, and it is that God created just one man, Adam and one woman from him, Eve and it is from them that all men and women descended.

One of the reasons why we may find it hard to accept that this is indeed what the Bible teaches is our faith in science and desire to make the Bible conform to it. We must, however, make up our minds beforehand who we believe and seek to defend, God or science, what God says or what men say.

Don’t feel bad for the word of God, it is God’s wisdom and design that his word should sound foolish to the world in its own wisdom [1Co 1:18-25].